
When I originally began creating this site it was to be a straightforward and fairly traditional 'portfolio' of the various services of my business with the usual examples of work and details of clients & brands on which I have worked, both past and recent. But then I thought "how tedious is that?"


The Internet is littered with thousands of such sites selling their wares often filled with awful cliches, unbelievable claims and meaningless promises such as "we believe that…" or "our strategic focus is…" and the ultimate horror, "The Mission Statement".

And, as noted elsewhere on this site, the nature of advertising is to portray a product at its very best and not as it usually is (how many times have you bought something online or contacted a service only to be disappointed?) so even the finest "we're great, give us a call" websites can be very deceptive.

So what IS this website about?

EXAMPLES OF WORK & SERVICES: OK so I relented and have included a fairly diverse portfolio of work produced in the recent (and in some cases not so recent) past; press ads, posters, leaflets & brochures most of which began with a totally blank piece of paper requiring research, copywriting, typography, design and often print and traffic management.

INFORMATIVE AND EDUCATIONAL: Over the years I've been fortunate to work with, and rub shoulders with, some of Britain's finest admen & adwomen and I witnessed an extraordinary transformation of the advertising industry where the quality and innovation of work went through the proverbial roof.

Sadly, however, the quality of advertising has plumeted in recent times often with little understanding of basic principles, poorly constructed copy and appalling typography and I have produced sections of this site dedicated to those three vital yet greatly abused areas.

SOAPBOX: Other than the three bugbears mentioned above there are many other irritations that I have encountered in the advertising business and I have used this site as a platform to air my thoughts and opinions – and perhaps even create feedback from other adpeople who agree, or even disagree.

UP CLOSE & PERSONAL: This website is not just a business thingy but also contains a 'Private' section where I have included many stories and articles that I have produced relating to fishing, skiing, cooking, various Victor Meldrewisms and a few rather personal thoughts that I'm happy to share with the rest of the World.