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Or to put in another way...

Both signs have exactly the same effect, the complete 'opposite' and guaranteed to attract attention.

In the last few years I've attempted to write three books and have failed dismally with them all, mainly due to
a complete lack of time.

Writing a book demands attention and I’ve never been able to devote more than a few hours before both time and attention were needed elsewhere.

The first piece of unfinished business was ‘HOOKED FOR LIFE’, a series
of mainly anecdotal thoughts on the enjoyment of fishing, particularly
fly-fishing, and a few less enjoyable aspects that probably only an angler could understand.

The next miserable attempt involved another lifelong love, ‘COOKING IN A CUPBOARD’ (a reference to our slightly diminutive cuisine area) and, similarly to the fishing book, wasn’t to be just a ream of recipes but again
a series of anecdotes, opinions (and perhaps a smattering of recipes).

The third non-published best seller was a melee of the many pieces of literary drivel that I’ve written for hotels, newspapers and for myself and was to be called ‘THE RAMBLINGS OF AN ORDINARY BLOKE’.

I’ve also included a few snippets that somehow managed to reach that final full point including some stories for ‘CHUTSPAH & CHUTSPAH’, a book being created by 3 old Saatchi chums (The Real Saatchi & Saatchi), the 'BULLSHIT BINGO CARD', some advertising thoughts and a handful of other Victor Meldrewisms.

Notice there’s worryingly plenty of space going begging for more...­­

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